Dynamic Directing
Duo Du Jour

Best of the Bay!
Cackling Harpies were the winners of the Best Operetta Director, Best of the Bay award for our production of “Pirates of Penzance” with Opera Tampa, 2022.
Winning a Creative Loafing Best of the Bay is the highest honor bay area for locals like us. Our bold ensemble and the vast resources of the Straz center ensured a fantastic show; of which we couldn’t be more proud. From the ship crashing upon entry to pirate ladders springing out from the pit, to the burst of confetti on the final button, we all had so much fun building this show! And in that, we’re sure we are in-keeping with the composer’s intentions.
What is a Fun-Sized Opera?
Fun-Sized Operas are a condensed and entertaining production with all the life, death, pathos, and passion of the original in a fresh and entertaining format that leaves audiences wanting more.
Newcomers are smitten, fans are sated. This is opera with a modern sensibility and humor. These freestanding shows are adaptable to venues, casts, and other considerations.
Upcoming Shows
Check out our always up to date roster of upcoming shows at the Straz Center in Tampa and beyond!
Fun-Size Operas
Short, Condensed Opera Productions that are fun! Turnkey solutions for your theatre troop, ready for the stage!
Events, Workshops & More
The Harpies are always adding new classes and workshops to their schedule. Sign up for the latest or book one on one time here.
Latest from the Harpies
Our blog is a great place to find out what we’ve been up to lately and see all the juicy back stage antics.